Political work in education, activism and accountability from the leading progressive digital advocacy organization in the state of Colorado. Come on in and learn something about local politics, the politics that affect you!



Gardner Trump Series

A series revealing the dark underbelly of Gardner’s Politics. They don’t align with Colorado values, they line up squarely with Trump. Cory Gardner votes with trump 98% of the time.


Trump’s 5,000,000 excuses

months into the devastating consequences of the mishandling of Coronavirus, it’s time to take a look back through the many many excuses Trump gave us that led up to this point.


the nonprofit filmmaker

A biweekly educational vlog series about how to make good videos for nonprofits. A focus on fundamentals and essentials. Hosted by yours truly.


Last Week in #COPolitics

During the legislative session we run a weekly update on all things Colorado Politics, both from the state and national perspective.




Public Lands

A love letter to Colorado. This series was produced as a celebration of our vast open spaces provided to us through Public Lands (BLM land). We decided to produce this series after OR moved from Utah to Colorado bringing in millions in revenue to the state and solidifying our position as stewards of the land.